Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Is Mango Fattening? 10 Things You Should Know

Is mango fattening? Is mango healthy? What are the calories in mango then? Mango, by far, is a certified manna from heaven. With its juicy, tasty inside that is simply irresistible, undeniably delectable. Imagine on a long cruise to the Pacific. Imagine the cool sea breeze and healthy air of lukewarm weather. Imagine mango juice, mango shake, or the classic mango float topped with graham crackers. However, in the world of dieting and nutrition, is mango fattening? How much is too much? Will eating mangoes actually make someone lose weight? What is its nutritional value? Here are 10 things you should need to know about mangoes especially in answering the question: is mango fattening or not?

First and foremost, what is a mango? Mango is an Asian tropical sweet fruit. The colour might vary from green to yellow to red but it has a juicy yellow pulp inside and a large pit. It is native to tropical Asia especially in the Pacific.

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Two, everyone knows that mango is sweet. It is because that mango gets their sweetness from its carbohydrate content. Mangoes might come in different varieties but their carbohydrate level remains high. However, the carbohydrate in mangoes is fruit based and is essentially healthy complex carbs. What about calories in mango? At 100 grams of mangoes, comes 14 grams of carbohydrates.

Three, are you afraid of sugar? If you are diabetic or almost there, the glycemic index of mango is within the safe range of 41 to 60 – thus, it is undeniably low. Mangoes do not pose a risk to diabetics.

Is mango healthy? Four, when it comes to protein and fat, assuredly, there is neither protein nor fat in mango.

Five, now comes the frightening question: is mango fattening? Good news to mango lovers: mango is indeed not fattening and it does not promote any kind of weight gain. Of course, since it does have calories, having a mango eating spree can make you gain weight – especially when you overeat it.

Is mango healthy? Six, now comes the positive side of mango – its nutritional value and health benefits. Due to mangoes’ high antioxidant content, it is found to have qualities that help prevent certain cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and leukaemia.

Seven, mangoes also have a distinct ability to help lower down cholesterol. Mangoes score high in vitaminC, pectin, and fibre which clearly lowers down cholesterol, especially low density lipoproteins or “bad cholesterol”.

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Eight, for beauty enthusiasts, mango helps clear out skin pores and blemishes. Whether eaten or applied as a skin cleanser, mangoes are known to have its benefits.

Nine, mango is good when it comes to eye health. A minute cup of mango can supply 25% recommended daily allowance of vitamin – which preferably prevents night blindness and promotes good eyesight.

Ten, when it comes to alkalinity and acidity, mangoes prefer the former. With citric acid, malic acid and tartaric acid, mangoes help regulate the alkali reserve of the body. Now, is mango fattening? It isn’t at all.

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