Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What Does it Mean When Your Tongue is Black? Top 7 Facts

What does it mean when your tongue is black? There are many reasons – medical reasons – for that condition. Here are seven facts you need to know about it.

What does it mean when your tongue is black? It’s either you chewed a bubble gum with dye or you smoke too much. However, although the change in color is merely simple but it can be caused by serious underlying conditions. What does a black tongue indicate? Some people refer to such condition as “black, hairy tongue”. Here are top seven facts when it comes to the question: what does it mean when your tongue is black?

Image credit: Flickr

1. The medical condition is known as lingua villosa nigra. This condition happens when the filiform papillae in your tongue elongate (about 15 times the normal length) and becomes black or brownish in color. There are various of reasons why this condition happens but it is simply a side effect that causes no serious harm – unless you have a serious underlying condition causing this change in tongue consistency.

2. You might have very poor oral hygiene. The black color might be caused by bacteria or retained food fragments that’s causing the rapid change in color.

3. You smoke too much. Nicotine can turn everything black, your gums, your lungs, and even your tongue. Quit smoking – cigarette and tobacco alike - and improve oral hygiene to get rid of this.

4. You drink too much coffee. As calming and soothing coffee may be, it is an irritant not only to the stomach but to the oral mucosa as well. You can also have this condition when you are on a potent antibiotic regimen since antibiotics can interrupt the normal flora of the tongue.

5. You are dehydrated. There are a lot of ways how dehydration can affect the condition of your normal flora. Xerostomia or dry mouth can also cause the condition. Moreover, dry mouth can also cause bacteria and yeast to thrive.


6. Medications that score high in bismuth can also cause black, hairy tongue. So expect such changes when you’re using Pepto-Bismol or other types of antacids.

7. When it comes to treatment, it is important to manage the direct cause of the problem. If black tongue is caused by smoking, then quit smoking. If you don’t brush your teeth regularly then this might be the perfect time to convince you to do so. If the cause is bacteria or yeast related, you might want to contact your doctor to get a prescription for antifungal or antibacterial medication. Topical retin-A is also usually prescribed. If not, there are surgical interventions like laser or electrosurgery. These are the answers to the question: what does it mean when your tongue is black?
