Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What Not to Eat While Breast Feeding? Top 10 Foods

What not to eat while breast feeding? A balanced diet is a must for mother while she is breast feeding her newborn baby. There are certain foods that she can eat and there are foods that she couldn’t. It’s for the health of her baby.

Image credit: Wikimedia

To begin with, we need to keep in mind that whatever foods a mother eats, they all go to the baby through breast feeding. This is way it is very important that a mother maintains a healthy die. She should get more than her usual intake of foods because 90% of the minerals will go to the breast milk. Fruits and vegetables are recommended as well as Calcium foods. But if you are a mother, what not to eat when breast feeding? To answer that question, below is the list of some of the foods to avoid when breast feeding:

1.  Coffee- Babies don’t need caffeine just yet. Whatever effects coffee has to the mother happens to the baby as well. This may lead to the baby being cranky and not being able to sleep normally.

2.  Chocolate- Like coffee, babies don’t need it just yet. It can cause a baby’s fussiness.

3.  Citrus fruits- Although fruits are recommended, there are always exceptions. Citrus fruits can lead to the baby’s fussiness and having diaper rashes.

4.  Broccoli- Not all vegetables are good for the baby. Broccolis can cause a baby’s fussiness and colic especially at time.

5.  Alcohol- Obviously, you wouldn’t want your baby taste alcohol at a very young age. Alcohol is bad to an adult and it’s certainly bad to babies.

6.  Spicy foods- These foods will only irritate baby and make him/her fussy for hours. As a mom, you wouldn’t want that.

7.  Garlic- Although this is a healthy food, it’s not suitable for babies just yet. Once they detect garlic in their breast milk, they will grimace and fuss.

8.  Peanuts- Babies can develop allergies if they taste peanuts from their breast milk.

9.  Wheat- There are risks that when a baby tastes wheat in his/her milk, he/she might develop wheat allergy when can be detected if there are certain symptoms such as inconsolable crying or blood stools.

10.  Dairy products- Babies are intolerant to any products that are made from the cow’s milk. These can cause the babies to develop Lactose Intolerance or even allergies.

Now that you know what not to eat while breast feeding, you can avoid it for a while. It’s not just for your own good as mother. It’s for the good of your baby.