Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How Does Caffeine Affect the Heart Rate?

How does caffeine affect the heart rate? What are the side effects of caffeine? Is caffeine and heart attack related? Imagine sipping your second cup of coffee. In the next hour of excruciating work you’d be sipping your third in the last 3 to 4 hours or so. You swore off coffee and its caffeine, however, you don’t have a choice – your nervous system is counting on the stimulant to keep you awake and still become productive at work even at the wee hours of night. After your third coffee you felt palpitations, nervousness, trembling and increase in heart rate. Now, how does caffeine affect your heart rate?

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Everybody hates the feeling of forcing yourself awake for some company’s benefits – but of course, with it comes the chance of making ends meet and getting that dream vacation. Caffeine reaches the bloodstream in between 15 to 45 minutes and, in a heartbeat, is then carried to the central nervous system itself. The stimulant effect in caffeine causes your CNS to produce chemicals – known as the “fight or flight” chemical called Epinephrine - to increase all your vitals – temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate and blood pressure.

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Another action of caffeine is that it blocks receptor cells of adenosine – the nucleotide responsible for sleep and relaxation. Caffeine attaches itself to receptors in the brain intended for adenosine, causing the person to not feel sleepy at all and artificially alert. Two 8 ounces of coffee can yield about 200 milligrams of caffeine. Is caffeine and heart attack related? Yes, it is however caffeine might not be the main cause. Heart attack can have different factors involve such as an infarction, ischemia or physiological incompetency. However, caffeine can add damage. Now how does caffeine affect heart rate? It is all in the head.

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