Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How Much Does it Cost to Remove Spider Veins? Top 7 Facts

How much does it cost to remove spider veins? How much can you pay to wear flawless starburst-free skin? How much are you willing to pay to have your spider veins removed?

How much does it cost to remove spider veins? Spider veins are caused by occluded veins usually at the peripheral blood vessels in the body. Occluded veins collect blood and cause star-like appearance on the skin. These star-like appearances are called starbursts also known as spider veins. Now, how much does laser varicose vein removal cost? Here are seven facts about the question: how much does it cost to remove spider veins?

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1. Your two best options would be sclerotherapy and laser vein treatment. However, first and foremost, you have to consult a physician for the diagnosis of spider veins, and initial assessment if you are fit for the procedure.

2. What is sclerotherapy? Sclerotherapy involves injection of a liquid irritant called a sclerosant to cause inflammation, damage, and scarring to the affected vein.

3. Prior to the procedure, you need to undergo series of tests to see if you’re fit for the exam. Although the procedure will only take a couple of minutes, 15 to 30 minutes, in a doctor’s clinic but preparations will need time for planning out the procedure to fit your needs.

4. When it comes to costs, the price varies since the severity and number of spider veins on your legs will be assessed prior to procedure. On average, price ranged from $300 to $350. The $300 value covers all the veins in both leg and ankles. However, the value only covers per session of sclerotherapy.

5. Some women might need more than one session. MountCastle Plastic Surgery in Virginia offers $300 for the first two sessions and $150 for the successive sessions after the first two sessions.

6. Dorset Street Dermatology, meanwhile, charge $350 for a 30 minute sclerotherapy session. According to the clinic, sclerotherapy is the gold standard for the treatment of spider veins. When it comes to local clinics in the Philippines, prices range from P1,750 to P3,500 depending on the clinic.

7. In Vein Directory, on the other hand, is a directory to find varicose/ spider vein doctors and include a variety of treatment options like asclera, sclerotherapy, endovenous laser treatment, ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, radiofrequency occlusion, varicose vein laser treatment, spider vein laser treatment, varicose vein surgery, compression stockings, VNUS closure fast, and other effective methods. However, sclerotherapy is the most effective, standard treatment for varicose veins and spider veins alike. How much does it cost to remove spider veins? These are the answers.