Why Does Water Have No Calories? Facts 1-3
1. If water has no calories, why still drink it? A person can survive weeks without food but cannot live a week without water. Muscles are composed of 75% water and the liquid is used to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells and transports waste out of the body.
2. Blood, meanwhile, is majorly composed of water as far as plasma is concerned. It is an important element for survival. It is not like beer or wine that has a massive amount of calories. Water cannot make you gain weight if you drink it in excess but reverses it.
3. Water is one of the key nutrients needed by the body. The other nutrients include carbohydrates, protein and fats. A gram of carbohydrates yield 4 calories, a gram of protein also with 4 calories and a gram of fat yields 9 calories.
1. If water has no calories, why still drink it? A person can survive weeks without food but cannot live a week without water. Muscles are composed of 75% water and the liquid is used to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells and transports waste out of the body.
2. Blood, meanwhile, is majorly composed of water as far as plasma is concerned. It is an important element for survival. It is not like beer or wine that has a massive amount of calories. Water cannot make you gain weight if you drink it in excess but reverses it.
3. Water is one of the key nutrients needed by the body. The other nutrients include carbohydrates, protein and fats. A gram of carbohydrates yield 4 calories, a gram of protein also with 4 calories and a gram of fat yields 9 calories.
Why Does Water Have No Calories? Facts 4-7
4. Why does water not have calories? Calories are units of energy. In terms of chemistry, there are elements and chemical compounds that helps yield energy. That’s where carbohydrates, protein and fats come in.
5. Water is pure. To know the reason, it is best to see the skeletal structure of water. Water includes 2 molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen. To think of it, it is basically pure in nature.
6. Now, here come carbohydrates. When you look at its chemical formula, it contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (CHO). The addition to the formula includes carbon. When you look at protein, the formula includes carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen (CHON). The additional elements are carbon and nitrogen. Moreover, fats include lipids which are complex chemical combinations. Base from the chemical formula, water is indeed different from the other nutrients.
7. The thing about water is that it can never add you a pound no matter how much you drink it. It’s pure nature actually helps the body rid of unwanted waste and fat reserves in the body.
Why Does Water Have No Calories? Facts 8-10
8. Drinking water in recommended amounts can actually help the heart, the body’s circulation, the intestinal tract, the kidneys and, of course, the cells. Water is one good antioxidant that helps rid the body of free radicals and toxins. It helps get rid of unwanted fat tissues and lowers cholesterol levels, it help rid the intestinal tract of toxins and help soften stool, it help the glomerular filtration of the kidneys and a lot more.
9. For all ages, 8 to 10 glasses of water a day is a must.
10. To add, during times when you exceed water output that your normal input of water, like in conditions such as exercising, diarrhoea, or in diuretics, it is best to replace fluid losses. Now, why does water have no calories? It is in the composition of water that makes it unique.