Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why Does Metabolism Slow Down With Age? 10 Facts to Know

Why does metabolism slow down with age? Imagine running a marathon. If you have aged, you can tell the difference on the way you run 10 years ago or 5 years ago. You may be completely healthy and without any medical issue but your body has typically slowed down. Is it because of metabolism? Here are 10 facts you need to know about the question.

1. Metabolism, by all means, is the sum of all physical and chemical processes by which energy is made available – as quoted by Kozier. Metabolism is not all about how to get thin and how to increase metabolism to be thin. It is primarily a collaboration of processes that aids the body in staying alive.

2. Metabolic rate is what keeps people different from each other. A person with a hyperactive metabolism can eat a hamburger without gaining weight. Meanwhile, a person with a hypoactive metabolism can eat a small sandwich and still earn some pounds.

3. When it comes to metabolism, a person needs calories to burn. Although numerous of diet plans say that a person must cut on his caloric intake to lose weight, calories are integrally important for the body to function. It’s not all sugars and chocolate bars to give you a boost of energy. A balanced meal is important.

4. What are the factors that affect caloric needs? Why does metabolism slow down with age? One of the factors that affect caloric needs is age. When you’re young, you need lots of energy to support growth. To add, the secondary sex characteristics during puberty stage also requires you to increase your caloric intake.
Why does metabolism slow down with age? Facts 5-10

5. In addition to caloric needs, women during pregnancy and childbirth also needs an upsurge of calories to support her baby’s in utero growth and her post pregnancy stage. Children meanwhile are often said to have lots of energy. Now, why not for older persons?

6. As mentioned, one of the factors is age. The older you get – post menopausal for women, for example – can slow down caloric needs. It is simply the law of supply and demand. Older persons rest more, thus the demand for energy goes down until it comes to a point that the body adjusts to few energy consumption – and expulsion.

7. One more factor is muscle activity. You don’t see grandpa doing his weights anymore so his body does not need that enough energy. So it settles down to minute metabolic rate.

8. Another factor is illness. When you age, some organs begin to deteriorate. To add, granny’s lifestyle isn’t active anymore. Moreover, grandpa’s cholesterol levels are skyrocketing. Some oldies may even have hormonal imbalances such as in diseases like diabetes or hypothyroidism. When this happens, certainly, older persons would have slower metabolic rate.

9. The body slows down and so thus its metabolism. Other diseases like arthritis or impaired lung function can also slow down activity.

10. Growing old would also mean a system that is also growing old. Moreover, the endocrine system might have also slowed down. Now, why does metabolism slow down with age? The body has its own reasons.